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Movies Scene

Get ready for movies at the library every Tuesday! While we can't share the titles due to licensing, feel free to reach out to the library for all the exciting details. Best of all, our programs are absolutely FREE and open to everyone! Join us at the Exeter Public Library, located at 4 Chestnut Street in Exeter, NH. For more information on any of our upcoming films, give us a call at 603-772-3101.

We can't wait to see you there!

Movies at the Exeter Public Library

January Movies
Tuesdays 1 PM

January 7
Leonardo DeCaprio movie 1-7.jfif
January 21
John Lewis 1-21.jfif
January 14
Hathaway and Mcavoy movie 1-14.jfif
January 28 
John Wayne Movie 1-28.jfif

February Movies
Tuesdays 1 PM

February 4
Will Smith Movie 2-4
February 18
Hathaway and Sudeikis Movie showing the actors
February 11
Hepburn and bogart 2-11
February 25
Supernatural Horror film 2-25

March Movies
Tuesdays 1 PM

March 4
Streep and Grant movie 3-4.jfif
March 18
Wayne Ohara Fitzgerald Movie 3-18.jfif
March 11
Damon and Affleck Movie 3-11.jfif
March 25
Squibb revenge movie 3-25.jfif
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