4 Chestnut Street
Exeter, NH 03833
Adult Services: 603-772-3101
Children's Services: 603-772-6036
Monday - Thursday: 9 AM - 8 PM
Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: 9 AM - 1 PM
Reserve a Room
The Library has 1 large Meeting Room and 2 Study Rooms on the Mezzanine floor On the 1st floor the History Room is available to sign up for research and the Digital Preservation Services. A breakdown of what each room offers is listed below. To reserve a room, please call the library and we will assist you. Contact us at 603-772-3101.
To sign up, please print and fill out the forms provided below and bring them to the library to process or, visit the library. Forms will be available at the Adult Information Desk.
Accessibility Features in the Meeting Room

Hearing Loop Feature in the Meeting Room
The library provides a state-of-the-art assistive listening system for those with a hearing impairment. A device is provided for access to a sound source and transfers it directly to a hearing aid without background noise, interference or acoustic distortion. Click here to learn how it works: How a Hearing Loop Works

Captioning Feature
This state-of-the-art technology uses Google AI to caption wording on a large screen while doing a presentation.
Meeting Room
Capacity of no more than 100 people
Hearing Loop for the hearing impaired
Captioning capability to project on the screen when presenting
BluRay/DVD player
Microphone and lapel (wireless and wired)
Bluetooth device
6 tables-seats 6 people per table
50 chairs
Public WIFI access
Outlets to plug in your devices.
Study Room 1
Capacity of no more than 10 people
2 rectangle tables
10 chairs
WIFI access
Outlets to plug in your device.
Study Room 3
Capacity of no more than 15 people
2 rectangle tables
15 chairs
WIFI access
Outlets to plug in your device.