4 Chestnut Street
Exeter, NH 03833
Adult Services: 603-772-3101
Children's Services: 603-772-6036
Monday - Thursday: 9 AM - 8 PM
Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: 9 AM - 1 PM
How do I find...?

The Friends of Exeter Public Library
Visit The Friends of Exeter Public Library page.
Learn about the wonderful things they do for the library and how you can help!
Meetings will take place in the Children's Room. Dates so far are February 18, and March18.

Book Talk Service is offered at EPL. The staff will deliver & discuss all the books we can't stop talking about! Without leaving home, you can check out and return books while learning about upcoming library programs. If you don't have a library card, we can help with that too.
Contact us for more information at 603-772-3101.
Covered Bridges of New Hampshire
Presented by Kim Varney Chandler
Thursday March 27 at 6 PM

Lit Fest
Night at the Library:
A Taste of Exeter
Friday, April 4 at 6-8 PM
The Racial Unity Team is sponsoring its seventh annual Art & Poetry Challenge, inviting K-12 students to submit an original poem or artwork

The 2025 theme is “Building Bridges, Tearing Down Walls.” We encourage students to consider:
How can we learn about others’ experiences, identities and perspectives?
Despite our differences, how can we find connections with others and appreciate the value that different perspectives bring to our community?
What does it mean to build bridges between people?
How does it feel to make connections with others?
How does it feel when there is a barrier to connecting with others?
What does my community need to improve to build bridges across difference?
How can we communicate better to tear down walls between us?
What can our communities do to have conversations across difference in a respectful way?
Resources are available on the Racial Unity Team website to help teachers and students with this theme: https://racialunityteam.com/art-and-poetry-challenge.
The deadline for submission is August 31, 2025, with submissions accepted starting January 1, 2025. Winners will be announced in October 2025. An Awards Ceremony and Opening Exhibit will be planned for November 2025.
First, second, and third place winners will receive $300, $200, and $100 respectively in elementary (K-2 and 3-5), middle school, and high school categories of both art and poetry.
Submissions will be exhibited in libraries and galleries around the state for at least one year.
This challenge is made possible by our sponsors: Kennebunk Savings, For further information, please call 603-263-6511.
Ongoing Programs
For more information on Ongoing Programs visit the Adult Programs Page
NEW! Weekly French Table
Thursdays at 1 PM

NEW! Weekly Chess Group
Wednesdays 3:30-5 PM
beginning April 2!

Teen Scene Programs and Book Groups
Visit the Teen Scene page for more details

Seventh Annual Magnify Voices
Expressive Art Contest
Submissions are now OPEN
Deadline for Artwork 4/20/2025
Stay up to date about what's happening at the Exeter Public Library. We will email you updates about upcoming programs and library news. Newsletters are sent out on a weekly basis.
To sign up, contact the library at exeterpl.ref@gmail.com or phone 603-772-3101. You can also fill out the form below: